My Weight Loss

Monday, June 27, 2011

Joining Connie And Going SCALE FREE

MONDAY, JUNE 27, 2011

I read this on Connies blog Fat to Fit Mommy! This just struck me like I was listening to my own story. So I am joining Connie in getting rid of my scale.I am tired of determining my emotional state by how much I weigh. I will not let it rule my life any longer. I too 
am striving to be healthy and fit. 

What better gift can I give myself on my Birthday thanFreedome from the scale! 

Scale Free

I ran into my friend Jolene from Healthy Discoveries at a party this weekend. Just being in her presence made me make better choices. I only had one glass of Sangria and one bite of dessert.

Jolene is working on something pretty exciting and talking to her about it really got me thinking some things.

While talking to her about being healthy...weight was never mentioned once. We talked about activity and healthy choices. We talked about motivation and the rewards of making those choices.


My life has been ruled by the scale since I was a teenager. It can make or break my day. I'm throwing out the scale!

My focus needs to be on health and not weight. Because weight doesn't tell the entire story!

And it shouldn't determine how I feel about myself.

Starting today....I will work towards making healthy choices and adding more activity to my life.  I will reward myself with things other than food. I will hydrate my body with water instead of coffee and soda.

I desire to be HEALTHY and STRONG!  Which means....I'm going to have tochange my twitter handle. HA!

When we pay attention to our desires, our daily energy levels increase. And embracing your desires will sustain your health! ~ Jolene Park

Hugs, Bobbi Jo

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Raw Food

Today is Saturday June 18 Th, 2011. I started almost 14 days ago with the Raw Food Life Force Energy program (Natalia Rose). I have to be honest I have not been 100% on not eating flesh (red meats) but have cut WAY WAY back. Just a couple meals in the past 2 weeks. I have quit drinking sodas and am avoiding sugar. Like I said I am not 100% on all of it but I do notice a difference in the way I am feeling. I have also gone organic on all that I can. It is a little more expensive but I think so worth it.
 I had been studying up on Raw eating for the past few months but kept going back on forth on how will I do this and feed the carnivor  family. For this reason I have not gone all out but I can say I am about 90% there. I am juicing every morning, eating fruits & veggies and enjoying the feeling. I have my juice in the morning called " The Great Eliminator", it is 1 lg. beet, 1 lg. cucumber and 10 med. carrots, and juice away and drink. It is not the most tasty thing in the world but I stay full for a good amount of time. Way more than if I were to have cold or hot cereal or an omelet.  A little crazy that this weird tasting concoction can do this for you. I do have to WARN you : If you try this and you do it for a couple of days your waste (fecal mater) will be pink or red, don't be alarmed it is the beets that does this to you. I know to TMI but you need to know these things to save you a trip to the doctors due to funny colored poo!